Urology Group of Athens

Bladder Cancer


Bladder cancer

If you are diagnosed with bladder cancer, you will quickly realize that you will develop a longstanding and important relationship with your urologist.  Most bladder cancers can be treated endoscopically in our state-of-the-art surgery center.  After initial treatment, we often have to periodically check the bladder for recurrences with cystoscopy and this can be done either awake or under mild sedation (your choice) and we will strive to make this procedure comfortable and efficient for you.  

We offer all standard of care bladder cancer treatments for localized bladder cancer and these are administered in our treatment center – a private separate area just for patients that are undergoing testing or treatments.  If your bladder cancer is more advanced and needs an oncologist, we work closely with our local oncologists that have the most updated medical management for advanced bladder cancer including chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Our goal is to provide you with the most advanced treatments in the most comfortable and efficient manner possible.

Learn more about Bladder Cancer from the Urological Care Foundation